Drone4Parcel5G – optimised logistics with new technology
Optimised drones for logistics and transport tasks using new 5G technologies – this is what Third Element Aviation is dealing with in the recently launched Drone4Parcel5G project. Based on the newly developed drone model Auriol (VERLINKUNG), a technically optimised logistical use for the transport of important and urgent goods is to be researched and tested. The results should possibly be transferable to regular delivery logistics.
The consortium of the two-year project is led by FH Südwestfalen with the chairs of automation technology and logistics. Participating companies are GTS Systems and Consulting, Noweda, Koerschulte + Werksverein and Third Element Aviation. As manufacturer, 3EA supplies the drones, which are optimised for logistics applications, especially using 5G.
“It is exciting and unique that technical competences from automation and drone technology are working together with experts from logistics and supply chain management and actual end users. In our estimation, the field of intra- and near-field logistics is one of the largest and most exciting growth areas, so we are happy to further expand our know-how here with the experts from different fields,” says Marius Schröder, CEO of Third Element Aviation, “We want to find out how to map routes up to 25km with a payload of 8kg, because we believe there is great potential in the context of more rural regions in NRW.”
We are looking forward to the exciting challenge with interesting project partners as well as the promising project results.
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