In an emergency, every moment really does count when it comes to saving a life. Especially in cases where patients urgently need a defibrillator, every second is infinitely precious. But what if the treatment simply takes too long? Drones could provide much-needed relief here.

Of the 100,000 people who suffer a cardiac arrest in Germany every year, just 10% survive. The tragedy is that there could be so many more.

Just last week, following research by SWR, the German public broadcaster ARD reported on how fatally poor some of the care in Germany is. The problems: lack of or inconsistent standards and quality management, too few staff, too slow. (Link below)

But this is where drones come into play!

What has already shown great potential in simulations, we have implemented together with Stadt Wiesbaden in the Smart City project: the deficopter can fly quickly even to remote areas and drop a defibrillator. The time until urgently needed life-saving measures can be started can thus be drastically reduced!

And wouldn’t it be great if such solutions were used more broadly? At the very least, we would be thrilled if our drones could contribute even more to saving lives.

Many thanks to Stadt Wiesbaden for their cooperation and to Koerschulte for their support for what we hope will be a pioneering project.

“Notfallrettung versagt in vielen Regionen”:

Smart Rescue Defikopter Wiesbaden:

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #Innovation #Notfalllogistik #SmartCity

Last week, after we had the pleasure of being featured on WDR5, there was a short report on 3EA in the Lokalzeit OWL. The topic: home office.

Although the pandemic, and therefore the initial reason for many employers to enable mobile working, is over, we are still implementing it where possible. Without losing contact with the team, flexibility is an important priority at 3EA.

In concrete terms, this means that many colleagues work from home for the most part, but are regularly on site on a daily basis. Our hardware developer Philipp explains this in more detail in the article, from 7:20 min.

Artificial intelligence is still on everyone’s lips. And the drone industry is not immune to this topic either. 

We are therefore particularly pleased to be exploring the possibilities of AI for automated logistics with drones in the recently launched “AI4Drone” research project. To this end, we are once again working together in a great and well-coordinated consortium with Koerschulte, FH Südwaestfalen, Geck and GTS. Yesterday, the project partners were presented with the funding notification for the successfully funded project in Düsseldorf.

We are looking forward to an exciting joint project!

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #research #Innovation #AI

Many people are still surprised when we tell them that the first logistics drones are already in use in Germany. But we have actually been in the air together with Koerschulte since February.

We are happy to show how the whole thing works and how easy it is here in the video to dispel any last doubts.

Also interested in using drones for delivery?

We not only offer the appropriate hardware but also the necessary know-how to accompany you all the way from the initial idea through the approval process to successful implementation. Simply get in touch with us!

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #Innovation #Logistics

What a long and really great day last week. Not only did we have a lot of fun as exhibitors at this year’s Hinterland, we also had lots of interesting conversations and made exciting contacts. And of course we also had some time to gather our own impressions of what Hinterland has to offer. And we can only say: a whole lot!

Dear Founders Foundation, it was a pleasure. Thank you very much for the organization and the mega event.

See you in 2025?

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #Hinterland24 #Innovation

You could argue that we already have the air element under control with our drones. With the moving robot Hircus from our Danish partners at Capra Robotics, ground has been added as a second element. And since the end of last year, with another milestone achieved in the RIVA project, we can claim that water has also joined the ranks.

The project, in a consortium with the professorhip for Automation Technology and the professorship for Control Technology of Helmut Schmidt University and it-objects, is concerned with the automated navigation of vehicles in various modalities – land, water and air. The whole thing does not just happen independently of each other, but the different vehicles work together in a network.

This includes, for example – as can be seen in the video – the automated landing of drones on ships! In the end, missions will be divided up between different vehicles and carried out as autonomously as possible.

To Professur für Automatisierungstechnik, HSU:
To Professur für Regelungstechnik, HSU:
To it-objects GmbH:

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #Innovation #Forschung

We do, of course!

Hard to believe, but really true: Koerschulte delivers parcels to customers on a regular basis with the help of our Auriol drones. And even if Wayne Carpendale and Bernhard Hoëcker were unfortunately wrong, that doesn’t change the fact that we reached a real milestone in February in Lüdenscheid together with Koerschulte and HHLA Sky. 

And who can claim to have made it onto a quiz show with something like that?

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #Logistics #Innovation

The latest issue of Drones Magazine published an article about our premiere in Lüdenscheid together with Koerschulte and HHLA Sky. The report clearly illustrates the long road to approval for the operation and the pieces of the puzzle that had to fit together.

We are delighted with this wonderful article and would like to thank you for allowing us to share it here!

The full article can be read here!

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #Innovation #Logistik

Another year is behind us – 3EA is already 7!

Seven years is quite a lot and a time in which you can experience a lot. And we have! Several moves, many faces, exciting projects, prizes won – the list could go on for a while. With seven photos we are showing at least smart part of all of this.

With this in mind – here’s to the next seven years!

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #UAV #UAS #Anniversary

Together with our partner Koerschulte, we are currently demonstrating what is possible: regular, automated BVLOS operations (i.e. beyond the normally set limit of visual range) over industrial and residential areas. This requires a so-called SAIL III permit from the Federal Aviation Office (Luftfahrtbundesamt). Koerschulte are the third institution in the whole of Germany with such a permit and the first to use it to set up a commercial operation. There have been reports on this in almost all media this week, for example WDR, FAZ, Bild etc.

Since a number of steps are required for such an approval, we accompany our customers and partners all the way there: from the risk assessment for the corresponding categorization to the joint creation of the required operation manual to further adjustments and the final running operation.

In short, we not only offer the appropriate drones to make logistics use cases possible. We also have the necessary know-how to accompany you step by step from the initial idea to successful take-off. And, of course, we look forward to celebrating many more first flights like the one last Wednesday!

#ThirdElementAviation #3EA #TheFutureIsAirborne #Drone #Logistics #Innovation